

The applications of an Iterative method for the restoration of color blurred image is presented. The method is an enhanced modification of the fixed-Phase Iterative algorithm (FPIA). A blurred image is enhanced by Laplace operator during the FPIA method on eachiteration. This modification is originally supported theoretically by a derivation of some iterative deblurring methods that are based on the enhanced version of the blurred image instead of the blurred image itself only.
The modified fixed phase iterative algorithm (MFPIA) method is examined to restore some Gaussian- and motion-blurred color images. The restored images via this proposed method are compared with some standard iterative method called Richardson-Lucy method. From the comparison. It is appearant that the MFPIA method gives better values for signal to noise ratio (SNR) of the resuling image. The method is also better from human visual measurements point of viww with less number of iterations. In addition to that benefit the restoration by the other method result in images having shaded edges. Another advantage for the MFPIA method is that to restore a blurred image, the only thing required to be known is the blurred image itself; while a prior knowledge of the point spread function (PSF) with the original unblurred image is a must in the Richardson-Lucy methods. This makes the MFPIA method more powerful for practical applications.