
1 Communication Engineering Department, University of Technology, Baghdad, Iraq

2 Electrical and Electronics Engineering department, University of Technology, Baghdad, Iraq


Recently, optical wireless communication (OWC) technologies focused on a camera or an image sensor receiver have drawn specific attention in areas like the internet, indoor localization, motion detection, and intelligent transportation systems. Besides, panorama sensors are the subject of communications from picture sensors as receptors as the high-speed OWC strategy do not need any change to the existing network, so the difficulty and expense of deployment are very limited. So in this paper, a detailed review of the techniques of optical camera communication (OCC)has been presented. In addition to their function of localizing, tracking and recording motion. Through addressing several facets of OCC and their different implementations, this study varies from the latest literature on this topic. The first section of the current article is on standardization, Path classification, modulation, scripting, synchronization, and signal processing methods for OCC networks whereas the second section of the research discusses OCC-based localization, navigation, motion detection, and smart transport systems literature .Finally , OCC's problems and potential work directions have been addressed in the final section of the research.
