

Abstract –The Example Based Machine Translation (EBMT) system retrieves
similar examples (pairs of source phrases, sentences, or texts and their translations) from
a database of examples, adapting the examples to translate new input. The Example Base
(EB) is an important component in an EBMT system. It handles the storage to support the
translation process. Thus, an efficient EB must be capable of handling a massive volume
of examples at an adequately high speed.
In this research, a new approach to reduce the redundancy problem that some EBMT
systems suffer from is suggested by designing EB using B+ tree. The EB is used to store
the examples of a particular field in a manner that reduces the redundancy of these
examples (or even sub examples) in order to provide efficient memory usage and to
minimize the search time. The lexicon of the proposed method is represented by using
two databases. One database is used for storing the English words and another database is
used for storing the English transfer grammars.
